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Visiting Professor of the Practice of Political Science
Senior Fellow in International and Public Affairs,
Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
Director, Taubman Center for American Politics and Policy (2020-2021)

Unintended Consequences of Killing the Filibuster
It's a profound mistake to mount a short-term power grab ignoring the unintended consequences. The use of a newly elected narrow majorit

Democrats: A Moment in History, Use It Wisely
Eliminating the filibuster would take us in precisely the wrong direction.

The Trumpification of the Federal Courts
Not only has the process been accelerated, but increasingly the minority in the Senate has been cut out of the process. This encourages a pr

Can the United States Senate Rise to the Occasion? Probably Not.
Today the Senate teeters on the edge of that black pit once again.
Can the highly polarized and poisonously political current Senate show s

Strange Bedfellows Oppose the Filibuster
Such bipartisan resolve might be welcome if the objective were not so misguided.

Republicans Can Learn from John McCain's Heroism
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is a national hero. That statement has been valid for decades, dating back to his valiant service in the...

Trump's Crush on Foreign Autocrats Threatens Democracy at Home
It should be no surprise that when Donald Trump looks at the U.S. Senate, he sees a body he wants out of his way.

Democrats and Republicans Share Blame in Rewriting the Role of the Senate
Historically, the Senate has taken a dim view of being told what to do about Senate rules by presidents.

What the Iran-Contra Investigation Can Teach Us About the Russia Probe
Trump should see, as Reagan did, that cooperating with a bipartisan thorough investigation is the best route to clearing up the mess.

Senate About to Enter "Nuclear Option" Death Spiral
If nominations are to be one-party affairs when the president's party controls the Senate and a president’s nominees are to be held host

Ted Cruz Wants to Destroy the Senate as We Know It
Ted Cruz is calling on Vice President Mike Pence to take action which would undermine the Senate

Silencing of Warren Another Example of Hyperpartisan Senate
Silencing of Elizabeth Warren by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

GOP Going Nuclear over Gorsuch Might Destroy Filibuster Forever
In 2013, the Senate Democrats, then in the majority, dragged the Senate out onto a slippery slope. Using a controversial procedural ploy,...
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